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Old 12-03-2004, 05:28
Posts: n/a
I resolved some days ago a crackme wich had stolen bytes, and stopped once in the place that you points to write in code a jmp xxxx, the program never reach that address in program code but it stopped in xxxx.

Studying the code i understood it was stolen bytes place, the code is not clean but very hidden and you nedd a while to figure out what is going on.

With this target i tried to do the same but stops many times in that place to write in code, what i did was to put a breackpoint every place the jmp pointed and after last exception see wich one stopped.

It stopped twice which i say could be where stolen bytes start, the problem is if i use run trace until OEP i got about 4000 lines of code and is very hard to follow someting there.

you don't say how many times stops in that place when writing, as i said i use windows 98 and the program stops many times there, maybe in other os is different.
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