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Old 02-28-2022, 16:57
DavidXanatos DavidXanatos is offline
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So a small progress report on my arm64/x64 code injection experiments:
Injecting a arm64ec library into a x64 or arm64ec process on arm64 works just fine, including calling an exported function from the injected shell code. One just need to take care of calling the # function address and not the !EXP+# as given by LdrGetProcedureAddress.

Injecting a x64 library into a x64 or arm64ec process on arm64 also works just fine.
What does not yet work is calling a exported x64 function. I assume some additional code for arm64 to x64 transition needs to be added to the call.

Also the next BIG problem there is no arm32ec tool chain available.
I presume arm shell code to just load a x86 dll will work, but if one wants to call some exported function (instead of just relaying on the DllMain entry point) the arm to x86 transition will need to be researched.

What's also probably a bit of an issue, PEAnatomist does not show any "WoW Thunks Metadata" for the hybrid 32 bit ntdll in SyChpe32, while a stack trace to a statically loaded dll's DllMain shows the presence of # functions.
So there will be some investigation needed if these data can still be obtained form the image. Alternatively parsing the !EXP+# thunk should allow one to find the right # address.
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