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Old 10-03-2022, 01:23
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Using MSVC to compile "C snippet" and generate masm listing code:

	.model flat, stdcall
	option casemap :none

	printf PROTO c :vararg
	EXTRN getchar:PROC

	includelib msvcrt.lib

result DB 'se! %i', 0aH, 00H

tv273 = -52						; size = 4
_a$ = -48						; size = 4
tv529 = -44						; size = 4
tv440 = -40						; size = 4
tv351 = -36						; size = 4
tv326 = -32						; size = 4
tv302 = -28						; size = 4
tv544 = -24						; size = 4
_b$ = -20						; size = 4
_c$ = -16						; size = 4
_d$ = -12						; size = 4
_e$ = -8						; size = 4
_f$ = -4						; size = 4
start	PROC

; 4    : {

	push	ebp
	mov	ebp, esp
	sub	esp, 52					; 00000034H
	push	ebx
	push	esi

; 5    : int a,b,c,d,e,f;
; 6    : int n;
; 7    : 
; 8    : for (a=2; a<=9; a++)

	mov	DWORD PTR _a$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv544[ebp], 222222		; 0003640eH
	push	edi

; 9    : for (b=2; b<=9; b++)

	mov	ecx, DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]
	mov	eax, ecx
	imul	eax, ecx
	imul	eax, ecx
	imul	eax, ecx
	imul	eax, ecx
	imul	eax, ecx
	mov	DWORD PTR tv273[ebp], eax
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR tv544[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR _b$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv529[ebp], eax

; 10   : for (c=2; c<=9; c++)

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _b$[ebp]
	mov	esi, eax
	imul	esi, eax
	imul	esi, eax
	imul	esi, eax
	imul	esi, eax
	imul	esi, eax
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR tv529[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv440[ebp], eax

; 11   : for (d=2; d<=9; d++)

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
	mov	edx, eax
	imul	edx, eax
	imul	edx, eax
	imul	edx, eax
	imul	edx, eax
	imul	edx, eax
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR tv440[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR _d$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv351[ebp], eax

; 12   : for (e=2; e<=9; e++)

	mov	eax, DWORD PTR _d$[ebp]
	mov	ecx, eax
	imul	ecx, eax
	imul	ecx, eax
	imul	ecx, eax
	imul	ecx, eax
	imul	ecx, eax
	mov	eax, DWORD PTR tv351[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR _e$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv326[ebp], eax

; 13   : for (f=2; f<=9; f++)

	mov	edi, DWORD PTR _e$[ebp]
	mov	eax, edi
	imul	eax, edi
	imul	eax, edi
	imul	eax, edi
	imul	eax, edi
	imul	eax, edi
	mov	edi, DWORD PTR tv326[ebp]
	mov	DWORD PTR _f$[ebp], 2
	mov	DWORD PTR tv302[ebp], edi

; 14   : {
; 15   : n = 100000*a + 10000*b + 1000*c + 100*d + 10*e +f;
; 16   : if (a*a*a*a*a*a + b*b*b*b*b*b + c*c*c*c*c*c + d*d*d*d*d*d + e*e*e*e*e*e + f*f*f*f*f*f == n)

	mov	edi, DWORD PTR _f$[ebp]
	mov	ebx, edi
	imul	ebx, edi
	imul	ebx, edi
	imul	ebx, edi
	imul	ebx, edi
	imul	ebx, edi
	add	ebx, DWORD PTR tv273[ebp]
	add	ebx, esi
	add	ebx, edx
	add	ebx, ecx
	add	ebx, eax
	cmp	ebx, DWORD PTR tv302[ebp]
	je	SHORT $LN30@main

; 13   : for (f=2; f<=9; f++)

	inc	DWORD PTR _f$[ebp]
	inc	DWORD PTR tv302[ebp]
	push	9
	pop	edi
	cmp	DWORD PTR _f$[ebp], edi
	jle	SHORT $LL4@main

; 12   : for (e=2; e<=9; e++)

	inc	DWORD PTR _e$[ebp]
	add	DWORD PTR tv326[ebp], 10		; 0000000aH
	cmp	DWORD PTR _e$[ebp], edi
	jle	SHORT $LL41@main

; 11   : for (d=2; d<=9; d++)

	inc	DWORD PTR _d$[ebp]
	add	DWORD PTR tv351[ebp], 100		; 00000064H
	cmp	DWORD PTR _d$[ebp], edi
	jle	$LL40@main

; 10   : for (c=2; c<=9; c++)

	inc	DWORD PTR _c$[ebp]
	add	DWORD PTR tv440[ebp], 1000		; 000003e8H
	cmp	DWORD PTR _c$[ebp], edi
	jle	$LL39@main

; 9    : for (b=2; b<=9; b++)

	inc	DWORD PTR _b$[ebp]
	add	DWORD PTR tv529[ebp], 10000		; 00002710H
	cmp	DWORD PTR _b$[ebp], edi
	jle	$LL38@main

; 5    : int a,b,c,d,e,f;
; 6    : int n;
; 7    : 
; 8    : for (a=2; a<=9; a++)

	add	DWORD PTR tv544[ebp], 100000		; 000186a0H
	inc	DWORD PTR _a$[ebp]
	cmp	DWORD PTR tv544[ebp], 922222		; 000e126eH
	jle	$LL37@main

; 14   : {
; 15   : n = 100000*a + 10000*b + 1000*c + 100*d + 10*e +f;
; 16   : if (a*a*a*a*a*a + b*b*b*b*b*b + c*c*c*c*c*c + d*d*d*d*d*d + e*e*e*e*e*e + f*f*f*f*f*f == n)

	jmp	SHORT $LN17@main

; 17   : {
; 18   : printf("se! %i\n", n);

	push	DWORD PTR tv302[ebp]
	push	OFFSET result
	call	printf
	pop	ecx
	pop	ecx

; 19   : getchar();

	call	getchar

; 20   : return 0;
; 21   : }
; 22   : }
; 23   : } 

	pop	edi
	pop	esi
	xor	eax, eax
	pop	ebx
	ret	0
start	ENDP
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