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Old 08-25-2014, 20:45
BlackWhite BlackWhite is offline
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Originally Posted by tonyweb View Post
And, maybe, here's what you're missing (if I understood you correctly)! The destructor of the base class MUST BE virtual if you're destroying the object of the derived class through a pointer of the base class type.
Yes, the base class is virtual, but I do not delete the object myself,
instead, it is deleted by the system. In fact, I wrote an MFC DLL, the
object is "theApp". Here is the code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Hook.h"
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.SHARED,RWS")
#pragma data_seg(".SHARED")
HHOOK hHook = NULL;  
dword process_id= 0; 
#pragma data_seg()

LRESULT CALLBACK hook_F12(int code, WPARAM wParam,	LPARAM lParam);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void install_F12_hook(void);
void uninstall_F12_hook(void);

CHookApp theApp;


CWinApp::~CWinApp()  // Here we override the original CWinApp::~CWinApp
{                    // to prevent other hooked processes' crashing on exit
   if(GetCurrentProcessId() != process_id)
      return; // do nothing!
   // how to call the original ~CWinApp() ?

void uninstall_F12_hook(void)
   if(hHook != NULL)
      hHook = 0;

LRESULT CALLBACK hook_F12(int code, WPARAM wParam,	LPARAM lParam)
   if(GetCurrentProcessId() == process_id &&
      (code == HC_ACTION	|| code == HC_NOREMOVE) && 
      wParam == VK_F12)
      if((lParam & 0x80000000) != 0) // F12 is released
         return TRUE; // discard this key signal
      // So F12 is pressed, 
      // do something here
      // ... (code removed)
      return TRUE; // do not pass the message to next hook or window proc      
   return CallNextHookEx(hHook, code, wParam, lParam);

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void install_F12_hook(void)
   process_id = GetCurrentProcessId();
   hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD,	hook_F12, 
         GetModuleHandle("hook.dll"), 0);   
Now I load this "hook.dll" in an EXE say HELLO.EXE and call
function install_F12_hook() to install a keyboard hook,
HELLO.EXE runs happily and closes normally, but there are
problems with other running processes which are also
hooked by "hook.dll". When I close some other process,
that process will crash. I traced the crash by OllyDBG, and
found that ~CWinApp() is the bad guy.

*1402107 DllEntryPoint
01402174    57              push    edi
01402175    56              push    esi
01402176    53              push    ebx
+1402177    E8 E0FEFFFF     call    0140205C; _CRT_INIT(x,x,x)
0140217C    85C0            test    eax, eax
0140217E    75 03           jnz     short 01402183
*140205C;  _CRT_INIT(x,x,x)
014020DF    8B0E            mov     ecx, [esi]
014020E1    85C9            test    ecx, ecx
014020E3    74 07           je      short 014020EC
+14020E5    FFD1            call    ecx; =>*140104A
014020E7    A1 D8414001     mov     eax, [0x14041D8]
014020EC    83EE 04         sub     esi, 0x4
*140104A    55              push    ebp
0140104B    8BEC            mov     ebp, esp
0140104D    B9 F0404001     mov     ecx, 014040F0
+1401052    E8 490D0000     call    01401DA0
01401057    5D              pop     ebp
01401058    C3              retn
*1401DA0    55              push    ebp
01401DA1    8BEC            mov     ebp, esp
01401DA3    51              push    ecx
01401DA4    894D FC         mov     [ebp-0x4], ecx
01401DA7    8B4D FC         mov     ecx, [ebp-0x4]
+1401DAA    E8 53010000     call    <jmp.&MFC42.#CWinApp::~CWinApp_815>
		  ; Other hooked processes will crash inside!
01401DAF    8BE5            mov     esp, ebp
01401DB1    5D              pop     ebp
01401DB2    C3              retn
That's the reason why I want to override ~CWinApp().
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