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Old 07-08-2006, 21:00
Posts: n/a
newbie: IDA and signatures for delphi and ??? is what I need ???

So this is a newbie question, sorry if it is boring - some help will be more then welcome !

I am using most recent IDA that I found around here. When I disasemble a dll file (visual studio component or assembly, usually component) how do I make IDA to recognize standard visual studio libraries. Why I want this?

I don't wish to see the code that belongs to standard libraries or .NET framework, I don't need that sources. I just wish to see the code written by authors of the component.

I believe this has to do with something called signatures, right? Ok, if so, please:

- where do I find signatures for delphi 2006 vcl and lib?
- where do I find signatures for 2005 libs

Am I wrong ?


My respect and regards fiyes to all gurus who rock and rule on this forum. I wish I know more...

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