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protection id 6.2.3 released
grab it from the homesite (pid.gamecopyworld.com)
direct url : http://pid.gamecopyworld.com/ProtectionID_v6.2.3.rar or use the update function in protection id itself... many fixes, many tweaks... enjoy |
many fixes?
I hope that dont hang more run on Win98 ;-) Thx |
nope, win98 should be ok this time
![]() although, 6.2.5 will be out soon, its probably best to upgrade to that one, because even 6.2.3 had some bugs (no known hang/crash ones though) ![]() |
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Indigo (07-19-2019) |
Nice.. at least this one is even better.. but, seriously, why do you need win98 support? :P
And why not?
For instance I still use that system, and I guess there are many other people using it. And of course, I try to develop all my tools compliant to that OS. Think about people who cannot afford the update to a new machine, so there is no other way with and old one, since NT systems need much more resources than W9X systems... So, I totally agree with win98 support... ![]() Cheers Nacho_dj
http://arteam.accessroot.com |
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Indigo (07-19-2019) |
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The Following User Says Thank You to arnix For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
version 6.3.5 is out - some bugfixes, better detection, some tweaks
some bugs have already been reported and are being worked on atm (next release should be in a week or so).. available at the usual site - http://pid.gamecopyworld.com changelog (part #1) core additions / changes - new: compiled using masm v10 compiler & linker - new: added in new and optimized scanning routines - new: protection id is now able to scan inside msi files - new: clean temp tool (Extensions -> Clean Temp) - new: added in our own fast internal zlib decompresion routines - new: compiler detector updated to detect: - more Visual C++ - appended flash files - Power Basic - Watcom C/C++ - MinGW - GoASM - update: reporting part on file type, now reports bitness & file subsystem - update: added in recovery system - if a crash happens when scanning a file/cd/dvd and the crash is in the scanning thread, the seh system will 'recover' the crash, skipping all other scan modules and simply clean things up. So a crash when scanning does NOT take protection id down (the crash is reported to the log) - update: windows error code resolver dialog got a face lift and some added functionality - update: initial modification to report cpu usage on ALL available cores - update: shortcuts are now not made if pid is run from a removable drive - update: added in reporting for uac setting in vista or higher - update: scan size threshold increased to 50mb - update: added in the nfo association configuration - update: compiler detection enabled by default now - update: adjusted the way the systray worked - double left click on the pid icon will cause the pid window to be shown / hidden - right click on the pid icon will cause the right click systray context menu to appear - bugfix: cab file handler bug fixed - bugfix: scan file on cd/dvd did not work - bugfix: fix for shortcuts getting fucked - bugfix: fixed bug in the seh system, which lead to a crash - bugfix: file queue stuff (pause, remove, clear all) fully operational again - bugfix: logic fix, checking section count could technically be wrong if exe was x64 - bugfix: selecting scan folder 2x resulted in it messing up - bugfix: minor adjustment to avoid closing an invalid handle - bugfix: fixed output bug on small files - bugfix: fixed a possible win9x issue - bugfix: minor gui fixes detection additions / changes - new: check_activemark.asm - added exact version detection & more detailed output for v4, v5 & v6 of ActiveMark - new: check_byteshield.asm - ByteShield detection got heavily updated, now it contains a lot extra more info - new: check_ea_custom.asm - added in detection for EA Custom Protection (used in The Sims 3) - new: check_gameguard.asm - GameGuard Launcher Module & it's version got reported - new: check_hackshield.asm - AhnLab HackShield detection added - new: check_impulse.asm - Impulse DRM (+ core module) detection added - new: check_protectdisc.asm - added in new versions: v9.11.0, v9.20.0, v9.25.0 & latest v9.26.0 - new: check_protectdisc.asm - added in detection of how many trial days a Protect Disc exe is allowed to run - new: check_safedisc.asm - updated to detect clcd32.dll, dplayerx.dll, drvmgt.dll from old safedisc 1 games - new: check_secureebook.asm - added in Secure eBook Wrapper detection - new: check_securom.asm - added SecuROM DFA v1 and v2 detection - new: check_securom.asm - added SecuROM 7 dfa.dll detection - new: check_securom.asm - added detection for SecuROM 5 and 4 (or lower) dll modules (cms*.dll sintf*.dll) - new: check_solidshield.asm - added in Tages Setup version detection in solidshield core.dll (if found) - new: check_solidshield.asm - SolidShield wrapped dlls will be detected now - new: check_starforce.asm - added in detection of StarForceFileSystem containers (SFFS) - new: check_steam.asm - added in detection of the Steam Client API Module & report Steam api usage in exe - new: check_themida.asm - updated to show watermarking on some versions - new: check_playfirst.asm - added in detection of the Playfirst Game Library - new: check_playrixwrapper.asm - added Playrix Game Wrapper detection - new: check_reflexivearcade.asm - added in detection of build 177 & build 178 of the ReflexiveArcade Wrapper - new: check_robingameswrapper.asm - added in Robin Games Wrapper detection - new: check_spintop.asm - added SpinTop DRM Module detection - new: check_mfortress.asm - added MegaFortress detection - new: check_upx.asm - added in more informative upx info - new: check_aase.asm - added Aase detection - new: check_adnexeprotector.asm - added ADN Exe Protector v0.5 detection - new: check_aliencryptor.asm - added Alien Cryptor v1.0 detection - new: check_armadillo.asm - added Armadillo v6.40 and v6.60 - v7.00 (or newer) detection - new: check_aspack.asm - added ASPack v2.2 detection - new: check_asprotect.asm - added ASProtect v1.4 build 04.01 Beta detection - new: check_aurastompercrypter.asm - added AuraStomper Crypter detection - new: check_babelobfuscator.asm - Babel .Net Obfuscator detection added - new: check_blindspot.asm - BlindSpot File Binder v1.0 detection added - new: check_deepseaobfuscator.asm - added in DeepSea .Net Obfuscator detection - new: check_dotfixniceprotect.asm - added version detection for v1.0 - v2.x, v2.8 - v2.9, v3.0 - v3.6 - new: check_dotnetreactor.asm - added in detection of dotNET Reactor v4.0 (or newer) |
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Molasar (12-29-2009) |
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Indigo (07-19-2019) |
changelog part 2
- new: check_dsrfileprotector.asm - added dSR File Protector detection - new: check_eprot.asm - added !EProt detection - new: check_epprotector.asm - added EP Protector v0.1 detection - new: check_fishnet.asm - added Fish.NET packer detection - new: check_flyskysoftware.asm - added Fly Sky Software Custom Protector detection - new: check_hackhoundbinder.asm - added in Hack Hound File Binder detection - new: check_ionworxidentifier.asm - added Ionworx Identifier SDK Module detection - new: check_leetcryptor.asm - added LeetCryptor v1 detection - new: check_moleboxultra.asm - added in MoleBox Ultra v4.x detection - new: check_pcguard.asm - added detection of latest PC-Guard v5.04 - new: check_alloy.asm - added PGWARE Alloy [generic] detection - new: check_rdgpolypack.asm - added RDG PolyPack v1.1 detection - new: check_simbioz.asm - added in SimbiOZ v2.1 detection - new: check_skycrypt.asm - added in Sky Crypt v2.0 detection - new: check_stultrapack2.asm - added ST Ultra Pack 2 v0.6s detection - new: check_themisbinder.asm - added in Themis Binder v0.2 detection - new: check_upack.asm - added detection of more detailed versions - new: check_vprotect.asm - added VProtect detection - new: check_zipworx.asm - added ZipWorx detection - new: license_bentleyieg.asm - added Bentley IEG License Service detection - new: license_crypkeysdk.asm - added CrypKey v7.0 (or newer) detection - new: license_crypkeysdk.asm - added detection of the CrypKey License Service Installer - new: license_desawarelicensing.asm - added Desaware Licensing System for .NET Module detection - new: license_elicense.asm - now detecting on a dll it didn't see before - new: license_interlok.asm - updated to detect PACE InterLok System File - new: license_reprise.asm - added Reprise License Manager detection - new: license_sentinelrms.asm - added SafeNet Sentinel RMS v8.x detection - new: dongle_hasp.asm - NetHASP Network Dongles are detected - new: dongle_hasp.asm - added in detection of the Aladdin HASP SRM Run-time Environment Installer - new: dongle_ilok.asm - added in iLok USB Hardware Dongle detection - new: dongle_matrix.asm - added Matrix Dongle detection - new. dongle_microdog.asm - added SafeNet MicroDog Driver installer detection - new: dongle_sentinel.asm - added in detection of Rainbow NetSENTiNEL SUPER PRO Dongle - new: dongle_syncrosoft.asm - added in SyncroSoft USB Dongle detection - new: installer_advancedinstaller.asm - added Advanced Installer detection - new: installer_autoplay_media_studio.asm - added Indigorose - AutoPlay Media Studio - new: installer_bitrock.asm - added BitRock InstallBuilder Module detection - new: installer_fenomen.asm - added Fenomen Downloader detection - new: installer_gamehouse.asm - added GameHouse Installer detection - new: installer_setupfactory.asm - added detection of Setup Factory v8.x modules - new: installer_uharcsfx.asm - added UHARC SFX Archive detection - improved: check_3plock.asm - added in another generic check - improved: check_enigmaprotector - now detects on an Enigma version it didn't 'see' before - improved: check_hexalock.asm - optimized HexaLock detection - improved: check_laserlok.asm - optimized Laserlok scanning speed - improved: check_protectdisc.asm - tweaked output - improved: check_safedisc.asm - optimized Safedisc v1 scanning speed - improved: check_smarte.asm - added in two new checks - improved: check_starforce.asm - improved scanning speed - improved: check_steam.asm - updated detection on another steam variant on assassins creed and r6 vegas - improved: check_tages.asm - improved detection of the Tages protection driver - improved: check_vob.asm - added one more generic check - improved: check_execryptor2.asm - code tweaked to reduce false positives - improved: check_alawar.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: check_elefunwrapper.asm - scanning speed optimizations & reports offset / size of virgin executable - improved: check_popcapdrm.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: check_reflexivearcade.asm - optimized ReflexiveArcade Wrapper detection - improved: check_abccryptor.asm - added in a new check - improved: check_armprotector.asm - added in one more generic check - improved: check_asdpack.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: check_aspack.asm - scanning speed improvements - improved: check_asprotect.asm - tweaked version output - improved: check_atreprotector.asm - added in another generic check - improved: check_bambam.asm - added in two more checks to tighten detection - improved: check_beria.asm - improved Beria detection - improved: check_dalcrypt.asm - added in two new checks - improved: check_dotfuscator.asm - optimized scanning speed - improved: check_dotnetprotector.asm - optimized scanning speed - improved: check_enigmaprotector.asm - added in another generic check - improved: check_epprotector.asm - code adjusted, made faster - improved: check_exestealth.asm - optimized scanning speed - improved: check_ezip.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: check_exestealth.asm - improved scanning speed - improved: check_gieprotector.asm - optimised the signature scan - improved: check_kkrunchy.asm - added in detections for old kkrunchy (2003) - improved: check_mew5.asm - Mew 5 EXE Coder v0.1 detection tweaked - improved: check_mpress.asm - mpress for dot.net - tweaked detection - improved: check_mslrh.asm - added in two more generic checks - improved: check_mucruncher.asm - rewritten MuCruncher detection - improved: check_mz0ope.asm - added in another check - improved: check_nidhogg.asm - optimized Nidhogg scanning speed - improved: check_packitbitch.asm - added in two new checks - improved: check_polyene.asm - added in more generic checks for PolyEne - improved: check_punisher.asm - added in three new checks - improved: check_sevlock.asm - tweaked sevLock detection - improved: check_simplepack.asm - now detects all the simplepack exe's it didn't detect before - improved: check_softsentry.asm - added in more checks + optimized scanning speed - improved: check_spicesnet.asm - added in another check - improved: check_telock.asm - improved TeLock v1.0 detection - improved: check_upack.asm - added more detailed version checks, tweaked some detections - improved: check_upx.asm - fixed possible wrong detection - improved: check_vbowatch.asm - updated with a better signature - improved: check_visualprotect.asm - added in one more check - improved: check_vmprotect.asm - now it detects on a dll it didn't 'see' before - improved: check_wildtangent.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: check_wlcrypt.asm - optimized WL-Crypt detection - improved: check_xprotector.asm - added in two heuristic checks - improved: check_yzpack.asm - tweaked - improved: dongle_hasphlenvelope.asm - now detects on wrapped sys files too - improved: dongle_keylok2.asm - improved Key-Lok II Dongle scan speed - improved: dongle_marx.asm - added in another check - improved: dongle_sentinel.asm - detects Sentinel on x64 executables - improved: dongle_wibu.asm - added in another check - improved: minor tweaks for all license detections - improved: license_crypkeyinstant.asm - improved scanning speed in files wrapped with CrypKey Instant - improved: license_crypkeysdk.asm - updated / tweaked CrypKey detection - improved: license_elicense.asm - improved eLicense scanning speed - improved: license_haspsl.asm - speed up HASP SL Licensing System scans - improved: license_interlok.asm - scan speed improvements + added in detection for another 'variant' of InterLok - improved: license_ntitles.asm - scanning speed improvements - improved: installer_akinstaller.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: installer_clickteam.asm - improved generic detection - improved: installer_createinstall.asm - scanning speed optimizations - improved: installer_gkwaresfx.asm - improved generic detection - improved: installer_patchwise.asm - now detects a module it did not 'see' before - improved: installer_rarsfx.asm - updated to handle new winrar sfx - bugfix: check_starforce.asm - fixed possible crashbug - bugfix: check_dotnetguard.asm - fixed non register preservation - bugfix: check_vmprotect.asm - fixed generic detection - bugfix: check_forgot.asm - fixed non detection - bugfix: check_quickpacknt.asm - fixed non-detection bug - bugfix: check_shrinkwrap.asm - fixed non-detection bug - bugfix: check_upx.asm - fixed a possible wrong detection CD/DVD/Image file/sector scan - added in SecuROM v7.40 (or newer) detection via sector scan - some more updates on the iso making code, and the cddvd_api core - tweaking the cd/dvd dialog portion, now detects and reports errors better, along with better sector calculations (will now abort if it detects a css encrypted sector when making an iso) |
The Following User Says Thank You to evlncrn8 For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
6.4.0 out now, update should work, or grab it from the usual site..
changelog is on pid.gamecopyworld.com |
The Following User Says Thank You to evlncrn8 For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
PROTECTiON iD v6.4.0
Core additions / changes Quote:
The Following User Gave Reputation+1 to congviet For This Useful Post: | ||
The Following User Says Thank You to congviet For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
no need for mediafire link - direct (and safe link) -> http://pid.gamecopyworld.com/ProtectionID_v6.4.0.rar
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ZeNiX (07-15-2010) |
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Indigo (07-19-2019) |
Protection ID didn't recognize the obfuscation of Remotesoft Salamander. My target is either obfuscated with version 3.1 or 4.0. Not sure...
The Following User Says Thank You to atzplzw For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
@atzplzw - can you give me a link to the target so i can check and update protection id?
The Following User Says Thank You to evlncrn8 For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
Hmm, I'm completely unable to run it on Win7. (two different systems - bot 32bit). It is constantly crashing.
This is what it shows: Code:
Protection ID v0.6.4.0 JULY has crashed... Build 07/08/10-17:57:05 Welcome to the scene of the crash.... take me to the hospital EAX = 000000030h, EBX = 00000000Ah, ECX = 000000030h, EDX = 000000000h ESI = 0004F8510h, EDI = 000000031h, ESP = 00022BDBCh, EBP = 00022BE04h DS = 00023h, ES = 00023h, FS = 0003Bh, GS = 00000h, SS = 00023h DR0 = 000000000h, DR1 = 000000000h, DR2 = 000000000h, DR3 = 000000000h DR6 = 000000000h, DR7 = 000000000h CCW = 00000037Fh, CSW = 000004020h, CTW = 00000FFFFh, CEO = 000000000h CES = 000000000h, CDO = 000000000h, CDS = 000000000h, CR0NPX = 000000000h Crash @ CS:EIP -> 0001Bh:076D56155h, EFlags : 000010206h Stack @ SS:ESP -> 00023h:00022BDBCh Crash Code : 0C0000005h Crash Report : In Page Error ThreadID : 058Ch / 01420 ThreadName : PiD Core Thread (thread 1) Crash Happened in Scan File -> Unknown :( Procedure Name : N/A Crash File Line Range (low) -> 00 Crash File Line Range (high) -> 00 ProtectionID was scanning -> Last Scan was -> Crash did NOT happen in scan thread Scan was N/A Next Scan is -> Crash did NOT happen in scan thread Thread Start Va / Tag : 0x00409241 Pid executable range 0x00400000 -> 0x0057B000 (0x0017B000 bytes) Crash address is NOT within pid's image If someone can help, thanks a lot in advance. |
The Following User Says Thank You to *RemedY* For This Useful Post: | ||
Indigo (07-19-2019) |
10000‰ agree with win98 support!!!
Thanks evlncrn8 ! (I hope new versions of you great app win98 compatible ) |
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IDA 6.8 Released | N0P | General Discussion | 18 | 08-11-2015 00:39 |