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Old 11-15-2006, 15:37
Posts: n/a
How to load and then patch in 16 bit environments?

I want to use interrupt 21h function al=1h and ah=4Bh

Here is the first and second program.

In fact,I want to change one byte of the second program.(For example the string which is used in V.EXE to show DOS version) And at last I want to run the second program while it's changed already by the First program.

So what should I do after loading the second program by putting 1 in AL.
How can I access to the elements of the second program.
For example data segment and code segment.
Also let me know how to run the second program after changing some of its parts.
Please explain it well or just show me a snippet of code.
So I can understand this concept in coding.

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,

Here is the code:
PAGE 62,133


      BYTE 4*1024 DUP (?)

stseg ENDS

      PathName   BYTE "C:\v.exe",0
      ParamBlock WORD 0
                 DWORD CmdLine
                 DWORD Dummy,Dummy
      CmdLine    BYTE  4,'v.exe',0dh
      Dummy      BYTE  20 DUP (?)   

dtseg ENDS

main  PROC FAR
      ASSUME cs:cdseg,ds:dtseg,ss:stseg,es:dtseg

      mov ax,SEG dtseg
      mov ds,ax
      mov es,ax

     ;using an algo to free some memory for the second program

      mov ah,4Bh  ;trying to load the second program
      mov al,1
      mov dx,SEG PathName
      mov ds,dx
      lea dx,PathName
      mov bx,SEG ParamBlock
      mov es,bx
      lea bx,ParamBlock
      int 21h

;Now the second program is loaded but not executed.
;it's time to change the data in the second one.
;But i don't know how to get access to data and code section
;of the second program.
      ;Wait for keypress
      xor ah,ah
      int 16h
      mov ah,4ch
      int 21h
main  ENDP   
cdseg ENDS
END main
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Old 11-15-2006, 18:16
Posts: n/a
You are using the wrong parameter block type. Your code will generate a buffer overflow and overwrite the "CmdLine" and "Dummy" variables.

Using the correct format will give you the entry point of the loaded executable. You also must take care of how to get back when your patched program exists.
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Old 11-16-2006, 04:49
Posts: n/a
Thanks for your help.
I fixed this part as follows:

      ParamBlock LABEL WORD
                 WORD  0
                 DWORD CmdLine
                 DWORD DfltFCB,DfltFCB
      LoadSSSP   DWORD ?
      LoadCSIP   DWORD ?
Then I used this code to change and then enter to the second program:

 mov bx,SEG ParamBlock ;Loading the Child Process
      mov es,bx
      mov bx,ParamBlock
      lds dx,PgmName
      mov al,01h
      mov ah,4bh
      int 21h
      mov es,WORD PTR cs:[LoadCSIP] ;Trying to change the twentieth Byte in 
      mov si,20h                    ;the second program 
      mov BYTE PTR es:[si],'$'
      mov ss,WORD PTR cs:[LoadSSSP]   ;Trying to go to the second program and 
      mov sp,WORD PTR cs:[LoadSSSP]+2 ;executing it
      jmp DWORD PTR cs:[LoadCSIP]

      mov ah,4ch
      int 21h
Unfortunately,It doesn't work.
I have some questions to be able to understand the concept.
When the second program is loaded,where is it located?
Is it right after the stack segment of the first program?
If it's so,I should be able to search in the memory for the bytes I want.
But I need an algo to search in memory.

ss of the parent program is the last segment wihch I should use and add sp to it to get the last address in the memory.
After this address normally the first segment of the child program should be loaded.

How can I code an algo to search in this area?
Also what is the last address in the memory?
I mean how far shall I do search in memory to find the desired bytes.

Is there any way to use SCASB instruction to find the place in memory?
In fact,let me know what should be put in ES: DI and AL and CX to be able to use SCAS instruction.

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Old 11-16-2006, 18:54
Posts: n/a
How does it "not work" ?

From the code you posted above, I would most likely guess that your "loader" has not resized his own memory and will be using all memory up to 640 KB which means there is simply no room for the other program to be loaded.

Even if you fix this, you don't set up DS and ES before jumping to CS:IP.

And how do you expect to get back to your "mov ah,4ch / int 21h" code after the jump to the other program? It's not like you would be calling something which would return with a "retf".

And how would you like to "SCASB" yourself to the location you want to patch? If you go for INT 21/AX=4B01, you will have the location you want to patch relative to CS:IP of the loaded program. If you're going with INT21/AX=4B00, DOS will load, execute and unload the program without giving you even a chance of patching something.

You have to understand that DOS had no constant memory management, no support for multi tasking and no support for IPC (expect the 4F0 area). Have you ever seen any DOS memory patchers? They all hooked some interrupt vectors and watched the call address to match some specific values.
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