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Old 08-09-2004, 05:44
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Humor and a few questions.

First, if you have a sense of humor go visit hxxp://maddox.xmission.com/
Particularly funny articles are:
Astrology is Bullshit.
A Tribute to Real Men.
Take Your X-TREME Marketing and Shove It.
Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do, and other propaganda disseminated by misguided women.

There are lots of other funny ones but going through all of them would take a year

Now for my questions:
I am writing a tutorial about an eLicense target (I asked a few questions on the RCE board a couple weeks ago). When I am finished with it, where can I post it? In the tutorial section here, I see lots of unpacking tutorials, but not any tutorials about reversing a specific target. Are we allowed to post tutes about a specific target? It seems the only collection of good, target specific tutes is Krobars site which isn't updated anymore. So where can we find/post new target specific tutes? If this question is a little sensitve and better answered by a PM then by all means do so (I know this forum would like to keep the knowledge police off its back).

Also, I have been translating some spanish tutes from Ricardo's FTP into English. I have found a lot of spanish tutorials that I think are very interesting and helpful especially for newbies (I am one myself).
So far I have the following ones done:
04-Introduction in delphi English.rar
253-IMPORT TABLES BY HAND (part 1) English.rar
254-IMPORT TABLES BY HAND (part 2) English.rar
I will work on parts 3 and 4 of the Import Table tutes and (hopefully) get them done soon. To Ricardo and others: I hope that translating your tutes is ok. So back to my first question: where should I post these also

To JMI: I'm only trying to help and hope I am not causing any trouble
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Old 08-09-2004, 06:36
JMI JMI is offline
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Well, so far, you haven't caused any trouble. Tuts on specific targets are not prohibited here, but generally tuts are focused at particular protection systems, with the target merely being the vehicle of the discussion. If they are to be posted, the Windows Crack Tutorials would been to be the logical place.

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Old 08-09-2004, 07:30
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Originally Posted by JMI
Well, so far, you haven't caused any trouble.
Heh, I like how you said so far. But really, I am here not to cause trouble, but to learn and contribute what I can. Speaking of which, since I am working on translating spanish tutes, I was wondering which tutes I should do next?
I read on the RCE board about and IDA tute by Ricardo:
Originally Posted by naides
Ricardo Narvaja, "Nuevo Curso" as long as you can read spanish.
Problem is I can't find it. I hope it isn't in nuevocurso.rar which is 51 megs cause I'm on dialup... Anyway, if someone can help me find it I will translate it (since I am not all that farmiliar with IDA myself yet).

But you didn't really answer my question: should I post the translated tutes in the Windows Crack Tutorials section? I have 4 done so far so that would be four posts in 1 new thread. I mean I could do that but as I translate more I'd have to post them as attachments on the forum, and loading down the server with attachments isn't a good idea right?
What is your advice JMI?

Ricardo has put some new tutes in the nuevo cursos\teorias folder. I saw on the RCE board that you made a backup of all of those tutes a while back. There are now 279 files in that folder.

Try and have a good day ok? I know you have to deal with a lot of "idiot" posters on both boards.
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Old 08-09-2004, 07:55
JMI JMI is offline
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Hi Innocent:

I'll say to you what I always say to ferrari when I tease him. I always assume general good will, until I see something that does not seem to fit that concept.

There are a number of options on how you could post and yes, I'm sure that many people would appreciate and enjoy a "good' translation for Ricardo's tuts. I am generally relying on Systran, which is adequate, but not as good as a native speaker. Some of Ricardo's tuts were translated into English by somebody at Woodmann's, I think, without looking it was hobgoblin, but I don't believe it was the ones you mentioned. Simply make sure that you are not duplicating that effort.

As to how to post and keep up with additions while on a dial-up, that is relatively easy, while not running too far afoul of the post count issue. For example, say you have three of the series done and you want to upload. That's one attachment and one post. Now you've finished the fourth segmemt, what do you do as a dial up? Easy. You create a new post, attach part 4 and ask me to put them all together for you and erase the second post. I'll download the original zip, include the 4th installment and re-load the attachment. I'm on a flat fee DSL line, so its affected only by the speed here.

Since you actually have to do some work to translate there tuts, I'll not complain if you post several, as long as you do not divide one tut's parts up among more than one post. If you were just copying someone elses stuff straight across, as several now banned users tried, that would be a different problem, and a different solution, if you catch my drift.

I saw Ricardo's note this morning about the new "teorias." What I downloaded the other day only includes 00-163, so it appears that I will need to get the rest. Eventually, when deleting the bogus posts slows down ( we now have over 1000 new members I'm trying to ride herd over), I'll upload the rest which aren't already here, to the FTP. And, just for the record, there are only 275 tuts in his "teorias." O.K., I have them all again.

I'm sure many here and on Woodmann's would appreciate this effort and you, or I can post there when some of them are uploaded. Ricardo and his group have done some interesting work, especially on Arma. We all need to keep a good thought that Ricardo finds work soon.

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Old 08-09-2004, 12:05
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You are correct: let us all hope and pray for Ricardo and his family. I don't know if my translations could be deemed "good" per se but I think the are definately followable. I am a newbie myself and I can follow them so I think they are OK. I believe the previously translated tutes you are referring to were by hobferret. The ones that have been translated, Ricardo already has on his FTP (I'm pretty sure).

As for the posting of the tutes, could I just make one thread and post a few in that? As opposed to creating, for example, three threads with one tutorial in each. Either way it is the same post count but would be simplified if they were all in one thread.

And, just for the record, there are only 275 tuts in his "teorias."
Notice I said 279 files. There are some with duplicate numerical titles such as:
112-tuto guidsign por ormeno mas narvaja.rar
112-tuto guidsignversion 2.rar
166-como injertar armadillo sin copymem2 sin desempacar por saccopharynx.rar
166-dvdregionfree_v2.18_iii armadillo por injerto.zip
235-nuestros amigos los mensajes por houdini.rar
235-punto_magico_vb6 por arapumk.zip
So taking into account the 3 duplicates and the fact that it starts with 00, there are 279 files in the folder. (276 tutes + 3 duplicates)

Hmmm I guess even the Mighty JMI makes mistakes sometimes.

My next post should be a tutorial
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Old 08-09-2004, 12:39
JMI JMI is offline
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Well, if we are going to split hairs, then we are both wrong. And I am often. I was partially wrong in reading your message. You were partially wrong in your stating your explanation.

You said:

"So taking into account the 3 duplicates and the fact that it starts with 00, there are 279 files in the folder. (276 tutes + 3 duplicates)"

Of course there are NO duplicate "tutes." There are only duplicate initial file "numbers." The "files," themselves, are quite different, and, therefore, not "duplicates." And I do have them all.

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