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Old 08-09-2004, 05:44
Posts: n/a
Humor and a few questions.

First, if you have a sense of humor go visit hxxp://maddox.xmission.com/
Particularly funny articles are:
Astrology is Bullshit.
A Tribute to Real Men.
Take Your X-TREME Marketing and Shove It.
Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do, and other propaganda disseminated by misguided women.

There are lots of other funny ones but going through all of them would take a year

Now for my questions:
I am writing a tutorial about an eLicense target (I asked a few questions on the RCE board a couple weeks ago). When I am finished with it, where can I post it? In the tutorial section here, I see lots of unpacking tutorials, but not any tutorials about reversing a specific target. Are we allowed to post tutes about a specific target? It seems the only collection of good, target specific tutes is Krobars site which isn't updated anymore. So where can we find/post new target specific tutes? If this question is a little sensitve and better answered by a PM then by all means do so (I know this forum would like to keep the knowledge police off its back).

Also, I have been translating some spanish tutes from Ricardo's FTP into English. I have found a lot of spanish tutorials that I think are very interesting and helpful especially for newbies (I am one myself).
So far I have the following ones done:
04-Introduction in delphi English.rar
253-IMPORT TABLES BY HAND (part 1) English.rar
254-IMPORT TABLES BY HAND (part 2) English.rar
I will work on parts 3 and 4 of the Import Table tutes and (hopefully) get them done soon. To Ricardo and others: I hope that translating your tutes is ok. So back to my first question: where should I post these also

To JMI: I'm only trying to help and hope I am not causing any trouble
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