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using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using Microsoft.Win32; using FileAttributes = System.IO.FileAttributes; namespace ResharperPatch { internal class Program { private static ModuleContext _mainCtx; private static ModuleDefMD _main; private static void PrintColor(string message, ConsoleColor color) { var pieces = Regex.Split(message, @"(\[[^\]]*\])"); for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++) { string piece = pieces[i]; if (piece.StartsWith("[") && piece.EndsWith("]")) { Console.ForegroundColor = color; piece = piece.Substring(1, piece.Length - 2); } Console.Write(piece); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.WriteLine(); } private static void Print(String data) { Console.WriteLine(data); } private static TypeDef GetType(ModuleDefMD module, string classPath) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.FullName == classPath) return type; } return null; } /* private static void debug_body(CilBody body) { for (int i = 0; i < body.Instructions.Count; i++) { var instr = body.Instructions[i]; Print(instr.ToString()); } } */ private static CilBody return_bool(bool status) { CilBody body = new CilBody(); OpCode state = status ? OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1 : OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0; body.Instructions.Add(state.ToInstruction()); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_digit(int num) { CilBody body = new CilBody(); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldc_I4.ToInstruction(num)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_string(string txt) { CilBody body = new CilBody(); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldstr.ToInstruction(txt)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_null() { CilBody body = new CilBody(); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldnull.ToInstruction()); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_empty() { CilBody body = new CilBody(); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_date(int year, int month, int day) { CilBody body = new CilBody(); var systemDateTime = _main.CorLibTypes.GetTypeRef("System", "DateTime"); var ctor = new MemberRefUser(_main, ".ctor", MethodSig.CreateInstance( _main.CorLibTypes.Void, _main.CorLibTypes.Int32, _main.CorLibTypes.Int32, _main.CorLibTypes.Int32), systemDateTime); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldc_I4.ToInstruction(year)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldc_I4.ToInstruction(month)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ldc_I4.ToInstruction(day)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Newobj.ToInstruction(ctor)); body.Instructions.Add(OpCodes.Ret.ToInstruction()); return body; } private static CilBody return_id(string userKey) { var keyPart = userKey.IndexOf('-'); int.TryParse(userKey.Substring(0, keyPart), out var num); return return_digit(num); } private static void PatchJetBrainsLicense(string user, string key ) { PrintColor("---- Please Wait -----", ConsoleColor.Cyan); PrintColor("[Customer Key]: " + key, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); PrintColor("[Customer ID]: " + user, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); PrintColor("---- Please Wait -----", ConsoleColor.Cyan); // Class LicenseChecker var licenseChecker = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License.LicenseChecker"); // Class LicenseData var licenseData = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License.LicenseData"); // Class LicenseData var resultEx = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.ResultEx"); // Class UserLicenseViewSubmodel var userLicenseViewSubmodel = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.UserLicenses.UserLicenseViewSubmodel"); // Class UserLicenseStatus var userLicenseStatus = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.UserLicenses.UserLicenseStatus"); // Class ResultWithDescription var resultWithDescription = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.ResultWithDescription"); // Class LicensedEntityEx var licensedEntityEx = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.LicensedEntityEx"); // Class LicensedEntityEx //var evaluationLicenseViewSubmodel = GetType(_main, "JetBrains.Application.License2.Evaluation.EvaluationLicenseViewSubmodel"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Patch get_IsChecksumOK licenseChecker.FindMethod("get_IsChecksumOK").Body = return_bool(true); // Patch HasLicense licenseChecker.FindMethod("get_HasLicense").Body = return_bool(true); // Patch HasLicense licenseChecker.FindMethod("get_Type").Body = return_digit(0); // Patch CustomerId licenseChecker.FindMethod("get_CustomerId").Body = return_id(key); // Patch get_ExpirationDate licenseData.FindMethod("get_ExpirationDate").Body = return_date(2030, 5, 5); // Patch get_SubscriptionEndDate licenseData.FindMethod("get_SubscriptionEndDate").Body = return_date(2030, 5, 5); // Patch get_GenerationDate licenseData.FindMethod("get_GenerationDate").Body = return_date(2020, 5, 5); // Patch get_IsEndless licenseData.FindMethod("get_IsEndless").Body = return_bool(true); // Patch get_ContainsSubscription licenseData.FindMethod("get_ContainsSubscription").Body = return_bool(true); // Patch get_LicenseKey licenseData.FindMethod("get_LicenseKey").Body = return_string(key); // Patch get_UserName licenseData.FindMethod("get_UserName").Body = return_string(user); // Patch customer id licenseData.FindMethod("get_CustomerId").Body = return_id(key); // Patch get_LicenseType licenseData.FindMethod("get_LicenseType").Body = return_digit(0); // Patch result resultWithDescription.FindMethod("get_Result").Body = return_digit(0); // RequiresLicense [ EA8 PATCH ] licensedEntityEx.FindMethod("RequiresLicense").Body = return_bool(false); // Patch TryCreateInfoForOldLicenseData userLicenseViewSubmodel.FindMethod("TryCreateInfoForOldLicenseData").Body = return_null(); // Patch CheckLicense [ EA8 PATCH ] userLicenseViewSubmodel.FindMethod("CheckLicense").Body = return_empty(); resultEx.FindMethod("IsSuccessful").Body = return_bool(true); resultEx.FindMethod("ContainsWarnings").Body = return_bool(false); resultEx.FindMethod("Is30MinToShutdown").Body = return_bool(false); resultEx.FindMethod("IsFailed").Body = return_bool(false); // Patch get_Severity userLicenseStatus.FindMethod("get_Severity").Body = return_digit(0); } // ReSharper disable once ArrangeTypeMemberModifiers // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local static void Main(string[] args) { if (args is null) { } Console.SetWindowSize(160, 32); try { var reSharperPlatformVs17 = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\JetBrains\\ReSharperPlatformVs17\\")?.GetSubKeyNames(); if(reSharperPlatformVs17 == null) { Print("ReSharper 2022 is not installed"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { var sk = reSharperPlatformVs17[0]; PrintColor("[ReSharper 2022]: "+ sk, ConsoleColor.Cyan); using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\JetBrains\\ReSharperPlatformVs17\\"+ sk)) { var o = key?.GetValue("InstallDir"); if (o != null) { var installDir = (o as String); var file = installDir + "\\JetBrains.Platform.Shell.dll"; var fileBackup = installDir + "\\JetBrains.Platform.Shell.dll.back"; PrintColor("[InstallDir]: " + installDir, ConsoleColor.Cyan); if (!File.Exists(fileBackup)) { File.Copy(file, fileBackup); } PrintColor("[Backup Path]: " + fileBackup, ConsoleColor.Green); var pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("devenv"); if (pname.Length > 0) { PrintColor("[Error]: [devenv.exe is running at the background please kill it!]", ConsoleColor.Red); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } PrintColor("[Patching]: " + file, ConsoleColor.Red); _mainCtx = ModuleDef.CreateModuleContext(); // dont feed file directly here feed it with bytes so you can replace the file _main = ModuleDefMD.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(file), _mainCtx); PatchJetBrainsLicense("Succubus.ExeTools", "1234-1234-1234-1235"); File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal); _main.NativeWrite(file); //File.Copy(file_temp, file+".fuck", true); PrintColor("[Finish]: Press any key to continue...", ConsoleColor.Green); } } Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception ex) { PrintColor("[Error]: "+ex.Message, ConsoleColor.Red); } Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } } } Quote:
Last edited by Succubus; 11-17-2021 at 11:55. |
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Succubus For This Useful Post: | ||
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Succubus For This Useful Post: | ||
Aesculapius (11-17-2021) |
Nice Part of Coding "//File.Copy(file_temp, file+".fuck", true);"
One question , can it be use on other prodcuts ? i am learning GoLang and they have something special product for it. |
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Well, thats not part of ReSharper bundle so no. The list of products includes Resharper .NET Resharper C++ Rider - Unreal Engine IDE DotTrace - Profiler DotCover DotMemory DotPeek |
Hi Succubus,
For this code work out with other jetbrain resharper tools like rider or dotmemory, or others mentioned, what needs to be done? I tried pointing it to dotmemory standalone applicatiom, but it seems not working? Any pointers? |
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https://jetbra.in/s |
The Following User Says Thank You to Mendax47 For This Useful Post: | ||
Aesculapius (03-20-2022) |
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