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ATI Nucleus Plus v1.14 - v1.11 for ARM
I'm working an embedded target using the RTOS ATI Nucleus Plus v1.11 for ARM .
It used to be found at http://www.atinucleus.com but archive.org was of no help. Finding anything about Nucleus Plus proved to be challenging. I'm attaching here my findings; a pretty complete set (PDFs+Source) of v1.14 for ARM. If anyone has the v1.11 for ARM I appreciate your help. Thanks |
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blue_devil (11-11-2024) |
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blue_devil (11-11-2024) |
1. Can you manage to compile; how (are you using "code composer") ? 2. Can you manage to run nucleus; for example on qemu or another simulator? Or are you using a hardware? Thank you. |
1) I'm reversing a firmware image, Nucleus signature is there, but unfortunately the compiler signature is not. The idea was compiling Nucleus and create an IDA signature for automatic analysis of my image. So far I do not have the right Nucleus Plus version and the used compiler. I just did a tedious manual analysis comparing the image code and the source of the v1.14 Nucleus I just posted here. Not ideal but I was able to advance mapping important functions even when it's slow and error prone. There are some Chinese websites (that I do not have access to) offering Nucleus Plus source code but they do not mention their versions then is pretty darn hard finding the v1.11.1 I need. 2) I also evaluated the possibility of running the FW image under QEMU but no much progress, the used processor is the CL PS7111 AFAIK not properly supported by QEMU and the hardware evaluation board is not available today. Thanks! |
1. There was a tool named Code Composer (a.k.a CCS). At that that this tools was used to compile nucleus or similar sources. CCS is not maintained anymore. By using CCS you can compile both for win32 or arn9... What I wonder is it possible to compile this source with the today's compilers like GNU tools ?
2. If you post the Chinese links or Chinese download links maybe some people can help downloading btw. 3. Emulating firmware images by using QEMU is always pain in the as*. You need to separately point every peripheral and also bootloader and kernel to qemu. Last edited by blue_devil; 11-12-2024 at 15:22. Reason: typo |
1) I vaguely know Code Composer but for some reason I thought it was a newer tool but it is not, first release was 1999.
Looking at the Nucleus Plus v1.14 I just uploaded here I can see: Code:
************************************************************************ * * FILE NAME VERSION * * asm_defs.inc Nucleus PLUS\ARM925\Code Composer 1.14.1 Regarding GNU compilers for the Nucleus Plus v14.1 the Make file is there: Code:
CC= arm-elf-gcc CFLAGS= -O2 -fno-builtin -mthumb-interwork ASFLAGS=-mthumb-interwork AR= arm-elf-ar RANLIB= arm-elf-ranlib https://download.csdn.net/download/juneman/3460538 https://www.dssz.org/search.php https://snap.ymcn.org/search.php?keyword=nucleus+plus https://www.ymcn.org/d-2223.html but so far I couldn't find the v1.11.1 ARM (or CL7111A) 3) Adapting QUEMU looks like real PITA as you said, there's a guy that simulated ARM710, CLPS7111, CLPS7600 https://wuffs.org/WindEmu/index.html https://github.com/Treeki/WindEmu?tab=readme-ov-file I'm surprised there is not an ARM simulator Ida plugin, or I did not find it yet. Thank you. |
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