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Old 09-01-2003, 19:12
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Windows 2000 Device Driver Book + Inside Windows 2000 at FTP

Have You ever wondered how SoftIce/TRW/XProtector/ASPRStripper/FileMon/RegMon/HASP/Wibu etc. authors were writing their software. Have You ever wondered how the fu*k they gain so complex knowledge? Have you ever wondered why Xtreme Protector dumper/unpacker doesn't exist so far? It's not a secret, and as always it's simple: they are learning from books. No one of them was borned as programmer, they are raising their skills just by reading THE BEST programming literature and then practicing.
You could laugh now... Then I'll laugh at You... Let me ask You: what was the last title of the book You've read? what does ZwYieldExecution means? Ooops... too hard? OK. Next question: IoCreateSymbolicLink? I hear only FEW voices.... IoCreateSymbolicLink is THE PRINCIPLE of developing simplest device drivers, so? Next question: who of You aren't able to dump XProtected executable? 90%? Ok. then I'm asking these 90%: have You ever touched one of the books mentioned below? I bet You don't. If You would read at least 2-3 chapters You wouldn't have these problems... Remember: You won't catch them only by using tools (dumpers/unpackers etc.) made by other skilled reversers... someday they will left the scene... then what? What tool You'll be using? Maybe it's time to begin writing Your own tool? Think about it...

Let me introduce two state-of-the-art EBooks: (top quality, chm format)

"Inside Windows 2000 3rd Edition" (19MB)
Quote: "If you're like me, you like to figure out how things really work. Reading "how to use" books or standard Help information has never been sufficient. If you understand how something works internally, you know how to better use it, maximize performance and security, diagnose failures, and frankly have more fun. That's what this book is about. David and Mark have done an outstanding job detailing the real "inside" technical story of Windows 2000. And the tools that are highlighted (or included) are a great resource for direct hands-on training and diagnostics work. After you read this book, you'll have a much greater understanding of how the system fits together, the improvements done as part of this release, and how to get the most out of the system."

"Windows 2000 Device Driver Book 2nd Edition" (2,5MB)
Quote: "The book cover the foundation of what's needed to write a device driver. This includes coverage of the Windows 2000 architecture, hardware terminology and bus basics, and an in-depth view of the Windows 2000 I/O Manager and related services. Then next covers everything from the mechanics of building a driver to the specifics of instrumenting a driver to log errors and other events. Next: deal with somewhat more advanced topics within device driver construction. This includes the use of system threads, layering, filtering, and utilizing driver classes."

I've uploaded these books to ExeTools FTP under diectories:

If You won't at least touch it, You won't ever know what You're actually doing while low-level debugging. Few years ago I was searching for someone to teach me reversing techniques, do You think I've found one? You're damn wrong - I haven't found anyone. I was trying IRC/WEB/E-MAILs even universities... I was alone, alone with +ORC and tKC great tutorials... That means it took me MUCH LONGER to find right literature and tools. You have great opportunity with ExeTools, which is underestimated place. You can find here most of the tools and best reversers and software developers (RTSoftware/"XProtector Team"/The Silicon Realms/ etc.) on the world - ofcourse some of them are silent but You'll always find someone to help.

This post is one of my last posts. I had a great adventure with all of You during these two months on ExeTools. With average score: 1.6 post per day I tried to help some people to find the right way... I'm not the best, nor even good - there are a lot of people much better skilled than me - I know that already. I also hope and know, that some of You, who were contacing me, in the near future will reach THE TOP. For what? For YOURSELF, OTHER INCOMING SCENE MEMBERS and SATISFACTION. Are You wondering what I'm talking about? Then we got misunderstanded and You should better check ProTools for the newest relases.
Maybe it isn't right place, but I'd like here to thank ExeTools forum Founders for Their great work.

Good luck and regards...
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Old 09-01-2003, 19:36
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This post is one of my last posts. I had a great adventure with all of You during these two months on ExeTools.
What? You're leaving?
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Old 09-01-2003, 20:02
Jay Jay is offline
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leaving :(

It was nice reading your always informative posts, sorry to see you go and thanks for sharing your knowledge.
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Old 09-01-2003, 20:11
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Thank You all... I've few days left
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Old 09-01-2003, 20:29
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Uh... We are all grateful to you. Thank you. I wish you to have a good time there. BTW, when you have time to spare, don't forget to pay a visit!
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Old 09-01-2003, 21:02
aldente aldente is offline
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well, did you already have any success on Pinnacle Liquid??

Or is it too hard for you
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Old 09-01-2003, 21:07
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Thank you for the books, just what I've been wanting! (Although I have written device drivers before )

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Old 09-01-2003, 21:23
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Big or what: are You serious? The files You published doesn't work - they doesn't even run (I'm using XP) actually I'm downloading WHOLE software to install it (but it's over 150MB). Be sure to receive it smashed during few incoming days... If I've promised - I'll do it for sure...


Last edited by dynio; 09-01-2003 at 22:06.
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Old 09-02-2003, 02:51
aldente aldente is offline
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wow, you are so great!!!

but, WHY do you leave???

police, family, or private problems???
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Old 09-02-2003, 04:04
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Good luck, Dynio !

... and thanks a lot !

The "+" be with you!

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Old 09-02-2003, 08:54
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Good luck. It was nice chatting with you. See you somewhere somewhen...
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Old 09-02-2003, 16:12
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Thanks for the books Dynio! Good luck for the future
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Old 09-02-2003, 17:29
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It was my pleasure.... I'm very glad to hear these warm words... I'll try to stay with You until friday.

Greetings and best regards...

Last edited by dynio; 09-03-2003 at 21:11.
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Old 09-03-2003, 17:40
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sometimes, persons appear and desapear fast... but the knowledge they left behid stay forever

Thanks Dyn!o, Best Luck
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Old 09-10-2003, 06:32
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It saddens me to see such fine ppl leave. Often times we offer much, many take note, many don't. I guess these things go in cycles and hope we learned from each other somehow.

Good Luck my friend and drop by from time to time.
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