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Old 11-01-2022, 18:59
user1 user1 is offline
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Exclamation Windows Api Hooking

Credits to developer !
VOID DetourSet(DWORD old_func, DWORD new_func, BYTE* old_header, BYTE* new_header) {
    //adauga permisiunea de scriere in primii 5 octeti de la inceputul functiei
    DWORD op;
    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)old_func, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &op);

    //salveaza cei 5 octeti originali ai functiei
    CopyMemory(old_header, (LPVOID)old_func, 5);

    //calculeaza distanta dintre noua si vechea functie
    //  folosita ca parametru de JMP
    DWORD size = new_func - (old_func + 5);

    //construieste instructiunea JMP
    new_header[0] = 0xE9;
    new_header[1] = size >> 0;
    new_header[2] = size >> 8;
    new_header[3] = size >> 16;
    new_header[4] = size >> 24;

    //scrie instuctiunea la inceputul functiei vechi
    CopyMemory((LPVOID)old_func, new_header, 5);
BYTE OH_GetVersion[5];
BYTE NH_GetVersion[5];
DetourSet((DWORD)GetVersion, (DWORD)D_GetVersion, OH_GetVersion, NH_GetVersion);
    //copiaza cei 5 octeti originali inapoi in GetVersion
    CopyMemory((LPVOID)GetVersion, OH_GetVersion, 5);

    //apeleaza GetVersion
    DWORD v = GetVersion();

    //coipiaza JMP-ul in GetVersion
    CopyMemory((LPVOID)GetVersion, NH_GetVersion, 5);

    //modifica si returneaza valoarea
    return v & 0xFFFF00FF | 0x0200;

#define DETOUR_DEFINE(F) BYTE OH_##F[5]; BYTE NH_##F[5];
#define DETOUR_SET(F) DetourSet((DWORD)F, (DWORD)D_##F, OH_##F, NH_##F)
#define DETOUR_EXEC(R, F, ...) { CopyMemory((LPVOID)F, OH_##F, 5); R = F(__VA_ARGS__); CopyMemory((LPVOID)F, NH_##F, 5); }

    DWORD v;
    DETOUR_EXEC(v, GetVersion);
    return v & 0xFFFF00FF | 0x0200;

VOID DetourSet(DWORD old_func, DWORD new_func, BYTE* old_header, BYTE* new_header)
    DWORD op;
    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)old_func, 5, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &op);

    CopyMemory(old_header, (LPVOID)old_func, 5);

    DWORD size = new_func - (old_func + 5);

    new_header[0] = 0xE9;
    new_header[1] = size >> 0;
    new_header[2] = size >> 8;
    new_header[3] = size >> 16;
    new_header[4] = size >> 24;

    CopyMemory((LPVOID)old_func, new_header, 5);

int main() {
    DWORD v = GetVersion();
    printf("Inainte de redirectionare versiunea este: %d.%d (%d)\n", LOBYTE(LOWORD(v)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(v)), HIWORD(v));

    v = GetVersion();
    printf("Dupa redirectionare versiunea este: %d.%d (%d)\n", LOBYTE(LOWORD(v)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(v)), HIWORD(v));

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