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Old 08-18-2022, 19:47
Gede Gede is offline
Join Date: Jun 2022
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Exclamation SDK 9.2


I am trying to setup SDK9.2 from full source.
So far I got:

How To Setup Flexlm SDK kit for x86

Found some cryptic txt file on Internet and changed it to this :

By Gede 2022-08-18

2. Create a Directory "fnp_9.2.0.0_x86" on "C:\" >>> C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86

3. Copy all the content from X:\fnp_9.2_Full_Source_x86_x64 folder to

4. Copy all the content from C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\certicom\lib\i86_n3\include
to C:\h

5. Copy all the content from C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\certicom\lib\i86_n3\lib to

6. Copy all the content from C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\flexlm-java-tng\c\i86_n3 to

7. Replace the "?" in line 41 in file C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\src\l_ctype.c for a "*".

8. Open Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt
CD to C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\src
nmake /f pc.mak >>> lmgr.lib etc.

9. Open VisualStudioCommandPrompt if not done so yet start over from the beginning.
CD to C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\app
nmake /f pc.mak >>> lmgras.lib etc.

10. Open VisualStudioCommandPrompt if not done so yet start over from the beginning.
CD to C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\server
nmake /f pc.mak >>> lmgrs.lib etc.

11. Edit C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\machind\lm_code.h with the VN VK1 VK2 VK3 VK4 CK1 CK2
For VN "demo" use the following values :

#define VENDOR_NAME "demo"
#define VENDOR_KEY1 0x4054cac1
#define VENDOR_KEY2 0x4500538e
#define VENDOR_KEY3 0x542a6830
#define VENDOR_KEY4 0x3951f9f9
#define VENDOR_KEY5 0x0b165dca
#define CRO_KEY1 0x83f480c3
#define CRO_KEY2 0x771cc02c

Change the default LM_SEEDS to :

#define LM_SEED1 0x1234567A
#define LM_SEED2 0x8765432A
#define LM_SEED3 0xabcdef0A

12. Do the same for C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\h\lm_code.h

13. Edit C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\examples\vendor_info\lm_code.h with the VN VK1 VK2 VK3 VK4 ES1 ES2
For VN "demo" use the following values :

#define VENDOR_NAME "demo"
#define VENDOR_KEY1 0x4054cac1
#define VENDOR_KEY2 0x4500538e
#define VENDOR_KEY3 0x542a6830
#define VENDOR_KEY4 0x3951f9f9
#define VENDOR_KEY5 0x0b165dca
#define CRO_KEY1 0x83f480c3
#define CRO_KEY2 0x771cc02c

Change the default ENCRYPTION_SEEDS to :

#define ENCRYPTION_SEED1 0x8765432A
#define ENCRYPTION_SEED2 0x1234567A

14. Edit C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\machind\fl_code.h with the VN VK1 VK2 VK3 VK4 ES1 ES2
For VN "demo" use the following values :

#define VENDOR_NAME "demo"
#define VENDOR_KEY1 0x4054cac1
#define VENDOR_KEY2 0x4500538e
#define VENDOR_KEY3 0x542a6830
#define VENDOR_KEY4 0x3951f9f9
#define VENDOR_KEY5 0x0b165dca
#define CRO_KEY1 0x83f480c3
#define CRO_KEY2 0x771cc02c

Change the default ENCRYPTION_SEEDS to :

#define ENCRYPTION_SEED1 0x8765432A
#define ENCRYPTION_SEED2 0x1234567A

15. Edit C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\vendor\pc.mak if you are using your own Vendor_Name instead of "demo"
line 154 lmnewgen demo -o lm_new.c >>> lmnewgen <Your Vendor_Name> -o lm_new.c
line 181 lmnewgen demo -o lm_new.c >>> lmnewgen <Your Vendor_Name> -o lm_new.c
line 212 lmnewgen demo -o lm_new.c >>> lmnewgen <Your Vendor_Name> -o lm_new.c

16. CD C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\utils
nmake /f pc.mak >>> Build Utils

******** If you change settings in the "lm_code.h" file then VSCP 2005 ********
CD C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86\utils
del *.obj
nmake /f pc.mak

******** CD C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86
cl makesetup.c
del makesetup.obj

Not clear for me !!!!!
Create and run vc.bat
nmake /f lmutil.mak gives me ERROR
They forgot to include the manuals !!!!

Having trouble with lmcrypt............

Does anyone have them ?
Programmers Guide would be a good start.

For Cooking one needs ingredients.

Last edited by Gede; 08-20-2022 at 08:22.
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Old 08-23-2022, 14:56
sendersu sendersu is offline
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>>nmake /f lmutil.mak gives me ERROR

what kind of error did you get, what is your dev env (OS, tools, etc)
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Old 08-26-2022, 01:17
Gede Gede is offline
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Some place where the sun shines
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System Windows 10 Pro 64-bit en

After following the previous mentioned procedure lmcrypt.exe does not update my test lic files.

The option '/YX' error is a mistery as I could not find what this option does for nmake !!!

This is de link for the used SDK :

HTML Code:

Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt_x86

C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils>del *.obj

C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils>nmake /f pc.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[32 bit]
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lmrand1.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
link /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:lmrand1.pdb /out:lmrand1.exe lmrand1.obj oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib ..\src\lmgr.lib
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /Fdlmnewgen.pdb /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lmnewgen.c /Folmnewgen.obj
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cd ..\vendor
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe" /f pc.mak lm_new.obj

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[32 bit]
..\utils\lmrand1 -i ..\machind\lsvendor.c
..\utils\lmrand1 -filter_gen 0x23456789 0x3456789a 0x456789ab -q
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /c lmcode.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
LINK /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:lm_new.pdb /out:lmnewgen.exe lmcode.obj ..\utils\lmnewgen.obj ..\src\..\src\lmgr.lib oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib
lmnewgen demo -o lm_new.c
v8.1+ FLEXlm, non-CRO
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /c lm_new.c /Folm_new.obj
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cd ..\utils
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c ..\machind\makekey.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
link /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:makekey.pdb /out:makekey.exe makekey.obj ..\app\lmgras.lib ..\server\lmgrs.lib ..\src\lmgr.lib oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c ..\machind\lmcrypt.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
link /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:lmcrypt.pdb /out:lmcrypt.exe lmcrypt.obj ..\app\lmgras.lib ..\server\lmgrs.lib ..\src\lmgr.lib oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_cksum.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_diag.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
lm_diag.c(209) : warning C4113: 'void (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
lm_diag.c(697) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'fd_set *' to 'int *'
lm_diag.c(697) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'fd_set *' to 'int *'
lm_diag.c(697) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 'fd_set *' to 'int *'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_diag_ck.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_hostid.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_lic_info.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_spec.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_stat.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
lm_stat.c(192) : warning C4113: 'void (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
lm_stat.c(256) : warning C4113: 'void (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
lm_stat.c(285) : warning C4113: 'void (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
lm_stat.c(327) : warning C4113: 'void (__cdecl *)()' differs in parameter lists from 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_ver.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_down.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_remov.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_rerd.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_swr.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lmborrow.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_path.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lmutil.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_inst.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lm_dll_ver.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c ..\src\flex_utils.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
rc lmutil.rc
link /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:lmutil.pdb /out:lmutil.exe lm_cksum.obj lm_diag.obj lm_diag_ck.obj lm_hostid.obj lm_lic_info.obj lm_spec.obj lm_stat.obj lm_ver.obj lm_down.obj lm_remov.obj lm_rerd.obj lm_swr.obj lmborrow.obj lm_path.obj lmutil.obj lm_inst.obj lm_dll_ver.obj ..\src\flex_utils.obj lmutil.res ..\app\lmgras.lib ..\server\lmgrs.lib ..\src\lmgr.lib oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I ..\patches /I ..\vendor /c lmkey.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
c:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - copy\utils\lmkey.c(309) : warning C4715: 'initialize' : not all control paths return a value
link /nologo /NOD /subsystem:console /machine:i386 /DEBUG /DEBUG /pdb:lmkey.pdb /out:lmkey.exe lmkey.obj ..\app\lmgras.lib ..\server\lmgrs.lib ..\src\lmgr.lib oldnames.lib ..\i86_n3\libcrvs.lib ..\i86_n3\libsb.lib wsock32.lib libcmtd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib netapi32.lib comctl32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ..\src\libs\intel\spromeps.lib
copy lmutil.exe lmborrow.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmcksum.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmdiag.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmdown.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmhostid.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lminstall.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmpath.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmremove.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmreread.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmswitchr.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmstat.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmswitch.exe
1 file(s) copied.
copy lmutil.exe lmver.exe
1 file(s) copied.
cd lmstrip
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe" -f pc.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[32 bit]
! Done building
cd ..
! Done building utils

C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils>

C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils>nmake /f lmutil.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[Intel NT]
! Building lmutil.exe
cl /nologo /W2 /D"_CONSOLE" /D"PC" /D"WINNT" /YX /FpINTEL_REL\lmutil.pch /D"LM_INTERNAL" /FoINTEL_REL\ /MT /O1 /D "RELEASE_VERSION" /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\server /I ..\app /I C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\INCLUDE /I ..\patches /c lm_cksum.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Files', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Files' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type '(x86)\Microsoft', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file '(x86)\Microsoft' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Visual', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Visual' ignored
cl : Command line warning D9024 : unrecognized source file type 'Studio\Common\MSDev98\INCLUDE', object file assumed
cl : Command line warning D9027 : source file 'Studio\Common\MSDev98\INCLUDE' ignored
C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils\lm_cksum.c : fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: 'INTEL_REL\lm_cksum.obj': No such file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x1'

C:\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\utils>

For Cooking one needs ingredients.
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Old 09-16-2022, 18:38
avics avics is offline
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Well, what happened at the end?

I looked at the CLR code of the program and I patched some bytes to bypass the lc_* calls.

It still asks for a license file/path but no checking is done any more after that.
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Old 09-20-2022, 00:00
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very interesting what they are doing.
Until before version 11.4 of FlexLM, the process is the same as it exists in all the manuals.
In version 11.6 some things changed, I'm still studying.
I have questions:
1.- You found the seeds of your daemon vendor (mips)
did you follow the normal process to find it (is there a pdf file to do it)? If the answer is no, how did you do it?
2.- From your examples, I see that you know how to create the license depending on the BITS that the license uses.
But they all have SIGN=
There are some softwares that use SIGN2=
It would be nice if you tried

I will continue reading this post
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Old 08-30-2023, 23:02
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Any update ?



Any update ?
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Old 09-02-2023, 00:35
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Hi @Gede
if you are asking about 1 year old quesiton on " Building lmutil.exe"
then it's obvious - one of your include paths has got spaces in it, so you have to enclose it into quotes

this one -

/I C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\INCLUDE
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Old 09-02-2023, 04:14
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Thumbs up Tip


So easy to overlook.
Wil test it if I can find some time, to busy.

Any idea what this /YX option is for ?
Can not find any reference, no manual for this version.
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Old 09-02-2023, 12:40
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Originally Posted by Gede View Post

System Windows 10 Pro 64-bit en

The option '/YX' error is a mistery as I could not find what this option does for nmake !!!
VS2005 release 2005
VS2003 release 2003
VS6 release 1998

flexlm sdk v9.2 release 2003

so vs6 or VS2003 maybe have /YX

or maybe the developer bug =)

some hint for you

Last edited by FoxB; 09-02-2023 at 13:06.
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Old 09-02-2023, 17:04
sendersu sendersu is offline
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/YX is very very old compiler switch
remove it and don't worry

/YX compiler option has been removed. Use /Yc (Create Precompiled Header File) or /Yu (Use Precompiled Header File) instead. If you remove /YX from your build configurations and replace it with nothing, it can result in faster builds.
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Old 09-02-2023, 17:28
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Some compiler games
taget sys: W7, VS2019, your archive from mega

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>c:\Dev\VS2019\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat
** Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.11.29
** Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft Corporation
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x86'

c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>nmake /f pc.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30151.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[32 bit]
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c
/Fplmgr.pch /Fdlmgr.pdb /c flexevent.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
flexevent.c: fatal error C1051: program database file, 'c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src\lmgr.pdb', has an obsolete format, delete it and recompile
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'c:\Dev\VS2019\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\bin\HostX86\x86\cl.EXE' : return code '0x2'

c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>
c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>
c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>
c:\Dev\re\fnp_9.2.0.0_x86 - Copy\src>nmake /f pc.mak

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30151.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

[32 bit]
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c
/Fplmgr.pch /Fdlmgr.pdb /c flexevent.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'
cl /nologo /W2 /D_CONSOLE /D"_x86_" /DPC /DWINNT /DFLEXLM_KITBUILD /DFLEX_STATIC /YX /DFLEX_STATIC_MT /DLM_INTERNAL /D_LMGR_WINDLL /MTd /Zi /I . /I ..\h /I ..\machind /I ..\patches /c
/Fplmgr.pch /Fdlmgr.pdb /c flex_file.c
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '/YX'

next steps:
- removed pdb
- src/lmgrdll.mak - removed /YX inside it
- h\pc.mak - removed /YX as well

ran nmake /f pc.mak again - no any issues observed
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